The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion
We publish inspiring stories that reinforce the importance of kindness and empathy. We bring to you tales of ordinary people who work relentlessly for the upliftment of the underprivileged regardless of the support and appreciation they may or may not get.
We are proud to say that most of these people are young men and women who take time out of their everyday lives and responsibilities to go the extra mile in caring for the voiceless-they rescue animals that are hurt, displaced, or in need of care. Some of these people have made shelters for the animals, from their funds and whatever limited funds they receive from friends and relatives.
At The Earthen One, we recognize their efforts and support their endeavours by supporting them financially through our donations. We aspire to make our audience aware of these everyday heroes who diligently work for animals and try to make this world a kinder place for them.