Do An Event

“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of a difference you want to make.”

– Jane Goodall


The Earthen One inspires and supports people willing to make small changes and transition into a vegan lifestyle

We engage our audience through several events including vegan bazaars, parties, campaigns and guest lectures. Our events in colleges expose young minds to veganism and opportunities in the plant-based sector. With every event our reach increases to newer audiences. Till date we have conducted 60+ events and have reached out to over 5000 people.

One of our unique initiatives is recognizing individuals who are working at grass-root levels to help animals, either by way of rescue, providing food, medical treatment, shelter or being a vegan role model. Through this initiative, we want to highlight their efforts and motivate people to support such causes. We aim to bring a change by supporting animal organizations and shelters through the donations received by us.

Take a look at some of the stories below and get inspired!

TEO Impact

Hero of the Month